Flood extent mapping and environmental analysis for River Murray, South Australia

DEW used Geoimage for high-resolution flood maps to assess damage, plan recovery, monitor floodwaters, prioritise efforts, allocate resources, ensure safety, and minimise costs. Collaboration showcased effective environmental recovery management.


Department for Environment and Water


River Murray, South Australia

Capture range

28th December 2022 to 15th January 2023

Area captured

5,890 sqkm


SPOT 6/7, Airbus Defence and Space

Services provided

Tasking, Orthorectification, Pansharpening, Mosaicking, AW3D 30m DSM


The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is a government agency in South Australia responsible for managing, preserving, and sustaining the state's natural and cultural resources. They oversee South Australia's national parks, botanical gardens, and heritage sites and work to ensure social, environmental, and economic prosperity for all South Australians.


In late November 2022, the River Murray townships and surrounding areas in South Australia experienced significant flooding due to increased River Murray flows caused by heavy rainfall in mid-2022 and subsequent flooding in Australia's eastern states. The flooding caused extensive damage to the environment and surrounding communities. The DEW needed high-resolution flood extent mapping to aid in the analysis and support of environmental recovery efforts in the affected areas.


To address this challenge, Geoimage provided high-resolution flood extent mapping of the affected areas using high-resolution satellite imagery. The maps were used by the DEW to assess the damage caused by the flooding and plan for recovery efforts. The mapping also allowed for ongoing monitoring of the flood waters, enabling the DEW to make informed decisions about when to lift evacuation orders and reopen affected areas.


The high-resolution flood extent maps provided by Geoimage allowed the DEW to accurately assess the extent of the flooding and plan for recovery efforts. The maps showed the areas that were most affected by the flooding, allowing the DEW to prioritise recovery efforts and allocate resources effectively. Ongoing monitoring of the flood waters also helped the DEW make informed decisions about when to lift evacuation orders and reopen affected areas.


The use of high-resolution flood extent mapping provided numerous benefits for the DEW and the affected communities. The mapping allowed for accurate assessment of the damage caused by the flooding, which helped to prioritise recovery efforts and allocate resources effectively. Ongoing monitoring of the flood waters helped to ensure the safety of the affected communities and enabled a timely return to normalcy once the floodwaters receded. Additionally, the use of satellite imagery for flood mapping minimised the need for on-the-ground assessments, reducing costs and minimising risks to personnel. The collaboration between the DEW and Geoimage demonstrated the importance of utilsing innovative technologies to manage environmental recovery efforts effectively. Overall, the use of high-resolution flood extent mapping provided a valuable tool for the DEW to manage the environmental recovery efforts in the affected areas, demonstrating their commitment to ensuring the sustainable use of South Australia's natural resources.

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